Repairing and Optimizing Database Files

smallheart IMPORTANT NOTE:

Before making any kind of repair or optimization of a database, it is highly advisable to make a backup first. You could either use your own backup utilities or use the backup facility provided by doogiePIM.

smallheart See Making Backups of Data Files for more information.

You should not make any changes to the database while any repair, backup or optimization is running as this could corrupt your data.

helper To Repair a Database

arrowrightOn the Main Menu choose "File/Repair Database".

You will be given an option to confirm starting. Click on OK to start the repair process. After a while (depending on how large your database file is) you will be shown a summary of the repair process.

helper To Optimize a Database

arrowrightOn the Main Menu choose "File/Compact Database".

You will be given an option to confirm starting. Click on OK to start the compress process. After a while (depending on how large your database file is) you will be shown a summary of the process.

If you use your database every day, it is advisable to Compress your database at least once a month. This will reduce the size of your database file and remove any unneeded data left over from deleted records.

Related Topics

Introduction to Database Files

Creating New Database Files

Opening A Database File

Password Protection